Monday, August 29, 2011

You Are Here

Yes. We are Here, and while here is not a bad place to be, we are ready to be moving into our very own home. Shortly after we sent in our extension last week, we got a call from our realtor. She wanted to let us know that the banks have said that they are working on getting us an answer. Supposedly they sat down to look at it a few weeks ago, but they had lost a bunch of the paperwork. UGH!!! So, the sellers realtor sent everything back over, and we are hoping they will let us know sometime this week. We know we have been all talk so far when it comes to going out and looking at other homes, but we realistically need to close by the end of October to be able to complete the work that needs to be done before moving in. It's pretty hard to put a new roof on in the middle of winter, and that's one of our must do's before move in day.      So, if we make it to Friday with no word from them we will most likely be house hunting this coming weekend. I Hope we're almost there!!!

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